Now with Text-to-Speech and Speech Recognition
Adding text-to-speech was equally painless - I used the System.Speech.Synthesis library and added the below lines of code to wherever speech was required. Now as you say a command it is repeated back via text-to-speech and displays it in the journal.
// Initialize a new instance of the SpeechSynthesizer.
SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer();
// Configure the audio output.
// Speak the recognised text passed to the recogniser event.
About these videos:
To watch them in synchronisation start Arm Cam at 9 seconds and Computer Cam at 3 seconds.
To help the speech recognition out I was toggling the mic between mute/un-mute and accidentally cut off part of the "wrist up"command, so it thought I said wrist down, quickly toggling the mic on again it picked up part of the text-to-speech repeating the command - this is why you hear "I have no idea what you said" which is triggered on the recognizer.SpeechRecognitionRejected event. See the blooper at at 1:05 (Arm Cam).
Some links for further reading:
If you would like a copy of the full C# source code for my application let me know.
(Just in case you were wondering why the pink desk, its running on my daughters laptop!)
Adding text-to-speech was equally painless - I used the System.Speech.Synthesis library and added the below lines of code to wherever speech was required. Now as you say a command it is repeated back via text-to-speech and displays it in the journal.
SpeechSynthesizer synth = new SpeechSynthesizer();
// Configure the audio output.
// Speak the recognised text passed to the recogniser event.
About these videos:
To watch them in synchronisation start Arm Cam at 9 seconds and Computer Cam at 3 seconds.
Arm Cam: Speech controlled robotic arm with text-to-speech feedback
Computer Cam: Speech controlled robotic arm with text-to-speech feedback (no sound)
To help the speech recognition out I was toggling the mic between mute/un-mute and accidentally cut off part of the "wrist up"command, so it thought I said wrist down, quickly toggling the mic on again it picked up part of the text-to-speech repeating the command - this is why you hear "I have no idea what you said" which is triggered on the recognizer.SpeechRecognitionRejected event. See the blooper at at 1:05 (Arm Cam).
Some links for further reading:
If you would like a copy of the full C# source code for my application let me know.
(Just in case you were wondering why the pink desk, its running on my daughters laptop!)